Sunday, August 22, 2010

RichDevX thinks that the backup manager might cause console bans

RichDevX has posted the following on twitter:

If I understand this correctly, Sony will easily detect if anyone is launching the backup manager and sending the following in response: SCE_NP_AUTH_ERROR_CONSOLE_ID_SUSPENDED 0x8002a227 which is as I understand suspends the console from PSN.


  1. So what ? I dont use PSN, and others use it. Cannot have them all, like xbox hack.
    I want the hack so i stay away from PSN, and i dont understand who has time for online playing, i barely finish single player games.

  2. I dont understand who has time for offline playing, I only play online.

  3. So can they really detect? so if they could why didn't the ban the modder's ps3's?

  4. Also how do people know of this information already and no one besides mod suppliers have them?

  5. The backup manager is available for download, you still need the jailbreak apps
